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Hands Off My Cuntry -

  • Marcella Colavecchio Studio, LLC 11213 Kildoon Drive Austin United States (map)


An Emergency Response to the Overturning of Roe v Wade on Artsy

Curated by Savannah Spirit

Dear Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, and Clarence Thomas:

We hear you loud and clear. 

You have shown us and told us exactly who you are by making this declaration that a woman doesn’t have the right to choose what happens to her body and that our bodies are not our own. 

You are telling women they are second class citizens, and we don’t matter. 

What you are simply saying to women all over the country is that you really couldn’t care less about the circumstances whether it’s rape or incest because once the baby is born you’ll ignore the mother who needs help raising it. 

What you’re saying is that a barely developed embryo is more important than a child who is raped by her father made to carry that baby to term, not to mention the damage it can do in the long run. 

If states or “big government” take control of women’s bodies and force them to endure months of pregnancy and childbirth, they will never have equal status under the constitution. 

Overturning Roe V Wade will not only affect women and especially women of color, it will affect people who are marginalized, and non-female identifying folks who are able to carry pregnancies. 

We are specifically calling out Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, you perjured yourselves and lied to everyone about your position on an already rested case, only to confirm your seat on the highest court. Don’t think we have forgotten that detail. 

You ought to be ashamed of yourselves for forcing us to back alley abortions, illness and possibly death. That is on you. 

Trust us when we say this is NOT over and we will keep fighting! 

Keep your hands off our cuntry! 

Signed the artists in this exhibition and the majority of registered voters

Alexandra Rubinstein @therubinstein
Anastasiya Tarasenko @atarasenko
Anita Chernewski @anita_chernewski

Anja Schutz @anjaschutz

Anna Ortiz @anna_ortizzzzz

Betty Tompkins @bettytompkinsartnew

Bri Cirel @bri.cirel

Carla Gannis @carlagannis / @cdotadotrdotldotadot

Chiara No @chiara_no_

David C. Terry @davidcterry

Elizabeth Insogna @elizabeth_insogna

Emma Shapiro @exshaps

Erin Ko @erinkostudios

Felicita “Felli” Maynard @photofelli

Indiana Hoover @indianahoover

J. Morrison // HOMOCATS @homocats

Julie Fleschman @jwfleschman

Karen Heagle @kmheagle

Katerina Gosparovich @kate.gos

LaTonia Allen @latoniashanee

Leah DeVun @ldevun

Marcella Colavecchio @marcellaispainting
Marilyn Minter @marilynminter

Marne Lucas @marnelucas

Mieke Marple @miekemarple

Monica Orozco @demonicaphoto

Natalie White @itswhitetrash

Palmer Frankel @palmerfrankelart

Savannah Spirit @savannah.spirit_

Sophie Kahn @sophiekahnstudio

The Twinkie Artist @thetwinkieartist

Will Chan @__william__chan

Thank you @katie_peyton_ from @undercurrentprojects